

Notice of a public meeting of

Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Councillors Janet Jefferson (Chairman), Gillian Quinn (Vice Chair), Val Arnold, Lindsay Burr MBE, Stephanie Duckett, Mel Hobson, Cliff Lunn, Stuart Martin MBE, John Mann, Zoe Metcalfe, Richard Musgrave, Joe Plant and Annabel Wilkinson.

Co-opted Members: T Cavell-Taylor, S Maltby, D Sharp, R Strachan and David Watson


Friday, 26th February, 2021


9.30 am


Remote Meeting


Pursuant to The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020, this meeting will be held using video conferencing with a live broadcast to the Council’s YouTube site.  Further information on this is available on the committee pages on the Council website -


The meeting will be available to view once the meeting commences, via the following link -  Recording of previous live broadcast meetings are also available there.






Welcome and Apologies






Minutes of the meeting held on 11 December 2020


(Pages 3 - 8)




Any Declarations of Interest






Public Questions or Statements



Members of the public may ask questions or make statements at this meeting if they have delivered notice (to include the text of the question/statement) to Ray Busby of Policy & Partnerships (contact details below) no later than midday on Tuesday 23 February 2021 . Each speaker should limit themselves to 3 minutes on any item.  Members of the public who have given notice will be invited to speak:-


·          at this point in the meeting if their questions/statements relate to matters which are not otherwise on the Agenda (subject to an overall time limit of 30 minutes);


·          when the relevant Agenda item is being considered if they wish to speak on a matter which is on the Agenda for this meeting.


If you are exercising your right to speak at this meeting, but do not wish to be recorded, please inform the Chairman who will instruct those taking a recording to cease while you speak.





Chairmans remarks




Any correspondence, communication or other business brought forward by the direction of the Chairman of the Committee. 





Portfolio Holder Statement and Update to Committee  - County Councillor Patrick Mulligan




The Chair has invited the Portfolio Holder to give an update on educational issues facing the local authority





Portfolio Holder Statement and Update to Committee  - County Councillor Janet Sanderson




The Chairman has invited the Portfolio Holder to address the committee on the impact of the pandemic on NYCC children's social care.





Review of Traded Services in Education and Skills due to Covid‑19

(Pages 9 - 16)



The committee review the report of Corporate Director for Children and Young Peoples Services, considered at the Executive meeting on the 16 February 2021, which addressed the financial shortfall facing the Outdoor Learning Service due to the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic.





Work Programme

(Pages 17 - 22)



Purpose of the Report To consider, amend and adopt the committee’s work programme for the remainder of the municipal year





Other business which the Chairman agrees should be considered as a matter of urgency because of special circumstances






Barry Khan

Assistance Chief Executive

(Legal and Democratic Services)


County Hall



18 February 2021




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